Amazing Facts

Monday, March 14, 2011

Recenat Car Accident Articles on Car Accident Diagnosis and Treatment

Browsing recent car accident articles you may notice an overwhelming bias towards articles that may be considered "pro-auto accident victim." The reason fro this stems from the fact that there are many scientific medical articles that have proven that whiplash or car accident neck and back injuries are quite prevalent and can be serious.

This is despite the auto insurance industries best effort to paint these injuries as nothing more than superficial soft tissue injuries. In fact the standard response of most carriers these days is to deny that these injuries require anything more than minimal first aid care.

But is there any support for this hard line position? The answer is decidedly 'no." The "anti-car accident injury" crowd has failed to publish any meaningful studies in peer reviewed medical or scientific journals to prove their claims. The studies that are cited are rife with problems in their methodology and cannot be published in any premiere journals. Some articles are so biased as to contain data that would suggest whiplash or car accident injuries are credible, yet their conclusions state otherwise. It appears they understand that many readers just skim the conclusion and do not venture into the body of these articles.

Car accident victims and the specialists that treat them and represent them legally all agree that these injuries are all too real and cause considerable disruption of the victim’s life and often result in long-term pain and disability. In fact, one study found that upwards of 40% of all whiplash injuries result in chronic pain and impairment even with adequate car accident treatment. Untreated and improperly treated cases fare even worse.

Another recent car accident article in a prestigious medical journal reported that 47% of side impact collisions result in some form of brain injury. Brain injuries, even when mild, often lead to long-term headaches, pain, and loss of mental acuity. These injuries have also been linked to later onset of Alzheimer’s and Fibromyalgia.

Recent car accident articles overwhelmingly prove what you, the car accident injury victim already knows; whiplash injuries are painful and must be taken seriously.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, learn more about these serious injuries including how to pick a personal injury specialist to treat you properly go to: